Philip J. Fry, (born August 14, 1974) is a fictional character protagonist of the animated sitcom Futurama. He is voiced by Billy West using a version of his own voice as he sounded when he was 25.He is a slacker delivery boy from the 20th century who becomes cryogenically frozen and reawakens in the 30th century to become a delivery boy there with an intergalactic delivery company run by his 30th great grandnephew (31st great grandson; via time warp), Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth. He is the best friend and roommate of Bender and the boyfriend and later husband of Turanga Leela. He is the father of Yancy Fry, Sr. (due to an affair with his soon-to-be paternal grandmother) as well as the stepfather of Kif’s offspring (due to Kif’s pregnancy and Leela’s accidental motherhood).
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