Basic Depth of Field in Maya – Tutorial
This video tutorial introduces the concept of depth of field (DOF) in Maya. It shows us some simple controls to create a nice DOF when rendering 3D objects.
This video tutorial introduces the concept of depth of field (DOF) in Maya. It shows us some simple controls to create a nice DOF when rendering 3D objects.
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This short video tutorial demonstrates a couple of different methods for creating high quality realistic materials in Cinema 4D. A good exercise to understand some things about materials in Cinema…
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Nel tutorial che andremo a seguire viene mostrato un modo semplice per creare un effetto di testo bello utilizzando gli stili di livello in Photoshop, bisognerà modificare alcune impostazioni del…
This video tutorial shows you how to set up a studio environment suitable for rendering a highly detailed and ‘thoughtful’ clock using 3ds Max, V-Ray and Photoshop. An exercise suitable…
This video tutorial shows how to create volumetric trees in Blender. We will use Volumetric Particles instead of plotting planes. A useful exercise for making groups of trees and vegetation…
Gli Stili di livello sono una potente funzionalità di Photoshop che può aiutarvi a raggiungere effetti brillanti facilmente e rapidamente. La Stratificazione di questi stili è un ottimo modo per…
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