Modeling a Kaleidoscope Tunnel in Cinema 4D
Questa è una videolezione che mostra come modellare un incredibile tunnel caleidoscopio come visto nella intro “epico Dub” di AxisFX utilizzando Cinema 4D. Un bel progetto per creare la vostra…
Questa è una videolezione che mostra come modellare un incredibile tunnel caleidoscopio come visto nella intro “epico Dub” di AxisFX utilizzando Cinema 4D. Un bel progetto per creare la vostra…
This video tutorial demonstrates creating a contagion effect using Houdini in Adobe After Effects. At the bottom of the video you can also download the Houdini (HIP) file.
This video tutorial shows the 3d modeling of a rim with ZBrush 7. Usually used for an ‘artistic’ modeling. This time we will see ZBbrush working with a rather geometric…
This video tutorial shows how to model and animate a worm spinning a gear with 3ds Max. A great exercise to understand a few things about 3ds Max dynamics.
Cars – Motori ruggenti (Cars) (2006) è il settimo lungometraggio d’animazione della casa cinematografica Pixar Animation Studios, diretto da John Lasseter e distribuito dalla Walt Disney Pictures. Saetta McQueen è…
This video tutorial shows you how to create a plum fruit using Illustrator’s Mesh Tool. A very powerful tool for creating vector figures that simulate reality very well.
This video tutorial shows you how to use one of Illustrator’s most versatile tools. This is the Mesh Tool, which allows you to create a shape with different points of…
This video tutorial shows how to make beautiful ‘interactive’ hair with 3ds Max. An exercise to give our 3d characters a flowing and realistic hair.
This video tutorial shows you how to set up a logo that burns with open flames using After Effects. First we will create the composition and set a default background.…
This video tutorial shows how to ‘break’ an object with the collision of another body in Cinema 4D. We will do this without the help of plugins to do it.…
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