Bender, full name Bender Bending Rodríguez, is a main character in the animated television series Futurama. Designated in-universe as Bending Unit 22, unit number 1,729 (the smallest number that can be represented as the sum of two cubes in two ways, 1³ + 12³ = 9³ + 10³), serial number 2716057 (952³ – 951³), he was created by series creators Matt Groening and David X. Cohen, and is voiced by John DiMaggio. He fulfills a comic, antihero-type role in Futurama and is described by fellow character Leela as an “alcoholic, whore-mongering, chain-smoking gambler”.
According to the character’s back story, Bender was built in Mexico (the other characters refer to his “swarthy Latin charm” throughout the overall narrative). Viewers are informed, through his own testimony, of Bender’s prejudice against non-robots: His dialogue often contains anti-human expressions such as “kill all humans.” Exceptions who are not subject to Bender’s prejudicial attitude are those individuals on his “Do Not Kill” list, which seems to comprise only his best friend Fry and his colleague Hermes (Hermes is added after the episode “Lethal Inspection”). However, Bender is also occasionally portrayed as possessing a sympathetic side, suggesting that he is not as belligerent as he claims, a view often echoed by his friends.
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